Simplifies fast, efficient and secure file exchange between your IBM Mainframe and the rest of the digital world.

ZIP/390 MP is an industry leading ZIP compression utility with unique features for enhancing the speed, packaging, automation and application-integration of cross-platform file exchange.

High Speed Transfer and Application Integration

ZIP/390 MP is the only ZIP compression utility built upon a client-server architecture. Enabling instances executing on supported platforms to transact in real-time to facilitate high-speed file transfer and multi-platform application integration/automation operations.

Supported platforms:
z/OS, Unix System Services (USS), z/Linux, Linux x86, MS-Windows, MacOS

Fast Alternative to FTP

Unleash the potential of your bandwidth

Network headwind caused by latency results in the underutilization of available bandwidth and slower WAN transfers. Connect Edition's Fast Internet Transport (FIT) technology improves upon the packet delivery assurance mechanism of FTP, maximizing available bandwidth utilization for significantly faster WAN transfers.

Connect Edition is a lightweight tactical file transfer solution that can be used to accelerate long running WAN file transfers and as an alternative to more complicated and expensive file transfer solutions.


  • Supports UDP & TCP protocols
  • User/Group Authentication
  • FIPS Certified AES Encryption
  • Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
  • Inline Data Compression
  • Buffer-Level Multi-Threading
  • File Transfer Automation

Integrate/Automate multi-platform applications and processes.

Connect Edition provides a means to exploit the operational efficiencies of Distributed Computing. A distributed system is a system whose components are located on different networked computers. The components interact with one another in order to achieve a common goal.

  • Orchestrate multi-step cross-platform processes.

  • Transfer and pipe host files directly into remote processes, streamlining processing and eliminating security and storage related issues associated with file staging.

  • Output of a remote process may be piped into another remote process (on the same or different remote platform), written to file server, FTP, Email or returned to host.

  • Use RUN command to execute remote programs and commands.

  • Return codes and informational/error messages of remote processes returned to host.

Business requirements include:

Connectivity between platforms
The longevity of business processes
Flexibility of business processes

Take it to the bank.

The Bottom-Line

According to recent BMC Annual Mainframe Survey's, mainframe cost reduction remains a top IT priority. Generally low mainframe pricing, combined with excellent competitive product discounting, makes replacing/augmenting more expensive and/or inefficient solutions with ZIP/390 MP good for the bottom-line.

Improve Mainframe ZIP Compression ROI with ZIP/390

PKZIP®/SecureZIP® Replacement

Facing an Annual Maintenance Renewal and/or machine upgrade three (3) to twelve (12) months from now? Considering upgrading from PKZIP® for z/OS to SecureZip® to address a new Strong Encryption requirement? If the answer is YES to one or more of the above, schedule a presentation to learn more about the cost savings and other benefits of switching to ZIP/390 MP.

Obsolete Solution Replacement

If your company is employing an obsolete and/or unsupported mainframe ZIP compression solution, one that does not support zEDC, zIIP and Strong AES Encryption for example, contact us today to learn how switching to ZIP/390 MP can improve your ROI, SLA compliance, z/OS Batch Window utilization, productivity and more.

Add Mainframe ZIP Compression

The ZIP Archive is a simple, efficient and secure means of exchanging mainframe files across all platforms and personnel competency levels. Compressing/Decompressing files directly on the platform of origin/receipt provides the highest efficiency and operational integrity. ZIP/390 MP is a high-performance low cost solution that makes it practical to add this functionality to z/OS.





Exchange zip files with industry standard zip tools (eg. WinZIp, 7-ZIP, PKZIP/SecureZIP, GZIP)

Mainframe zIIP and zEDC Support

Built-in Email & FTP Clients

PDF Maker

JES Writer for automated report handling

Companion Versions: z/OS, USS, Linux on IBM Z, Linux x86, MS-Windows, macOS

AES Encryption for regulatory compliant and NIST Certified protection of data

Client-Server connectivity for secure file transfer and cross-platform integration

z/OS Hybrid PGP

Fast Internet Transport (FIT)
High Speed File Transfer utilizing TCP and UDP protocols

Many of the worlds top mainframe users are using ZIP/390 everyday to simplify and accelerate mainframe file exchange, across the Enterprise and beyond.

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